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Weekday Tea Towels

As you can see I have started working on these tea towels that say everyday of the week. They are all baskets of fruits and veggies. I thought if I start now I will have a whole set complete. LOL, now be patient with me as I'm just learning and teaching myself as I go along the way. I'm just starting Wednesday. I do have a few other towels done and my hope is that someone like you will purchase it /them when I'm ready and present them. Sort of like a Grand 

Another subject is that I would like to possibly have embroidery sessions like on Zoom so that we can share our skill, knowledge an creativity together. I figure an hour would be cool. I'm in a pretty remote area so I don't get out much, I'm disabled and don't know too many people here. Does this sound like anyone else like you or a friend? If so please email me at Hope you enjoy your day and to chat sometime.
These patterns are from Aunt Martha's and I bought them at Joanns not to mention the are iron one. They were on sale at the time but the ticket price was reasonable. If you don't have a store nearby here is their information.

340 West 5th St.
Kansas City, Missouri 64105
Made in the USA
